Free Bathroom and internet connections in Japan

Travel in Japan

How can I find out “free” bathrooms?

When you visit to Japan, you may be in trouble to know where you can use bathrooms outside your hotel rooms.
There are mainly 3 ways for you to find out free bathrooms.

1. Convenience Stores
When you come to Japan, you can see “Convenience stores” around you, in various places.
You are allowed to use the bathroom there after you confirming it to shop clerks.
If I’m asked about “Convenience stores”, I may say these stores look like road side “Gas station’s shops” in US.
It’s free to use it. but I would appreciate if you could buy something eat or drink in Convenience store, if you use a bathroom politely…
Don you want to know more about “Convenience Store”? Please see the following site!

What is "Convenience Store" in Japan?
What is "Convenience Store"? "Convenience Store" (called "Konbini" in Japan) You can see so many "Convenience stores" in...

2. Coffee Shops
You see lots of coffee shops like Starbucks in Japan. Actually, Starbucks is not no.1 coffee retail chain in Japan, and many coffee shop brand are competing each other.
It’s easy way to take a bathroom in Coffee shop and get relaxed with a good taste of Japanese coffee.

3. Department Stores / Larger Hotels
You sometimes see local department stores, just like 4 to 5 floors building even in town.
You also use bathrooms in these large shops. You easily go into these building, and use a bathroom.
I think you can use a bathroom larger hotels as well, but it depends on their policy. I recommend you to say hallo to receptionist to ask if you can.

Can you find out free Wi-fi in the city?

I suppose you are wondering where you can use any public Wi-FI connection in the city.
Actually, in my opinion, it may not be easy to find out these spots in Japan.
Because these have not been Free Wi-fi yet in many places of Japan. And from information secureness standpoint, if you are not able to understand Japanese language, to connect to Free Wi fi in the city is relatively dangerous from bot unexpected charge and information secureness standpoint.
I’d like to put forward some suggestion as follows.

1. SIM Card
It may cost you something for buying SIM card, but it’s easy but reliable way to connect to internet. You can buy any type of SIM Cards not only in Airport but in Convenience store.
Please be advised that there is no AT&T or T Mobile shop in Japan at all.
But don’t worry. Each SIM card package has enough explanation so that you can put it in your phone without any issue and turn it on.

2. Coffee shops
Every coffee shops provide free Wi-fi. It looks like that you get used to use it in Starbucks.
But please remember that small coffee shops run by the family may not provide WiFi.
If you want to use free Wi-fi in certain way, please go to major coffee shops chain.
It’s one of ideas that you check if you can google the shop before you in.
You may imagine restaurants also provide you with free Wi-Fi but in my impression, they usually don’t. Please be careful!


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