How can I say “hello” in Japanese?

Japanese Culture

The fact I want you to know first is that nobody Japanese starts with “How are you?” when you meet them in Japan.
Ok…so, how can I say something for the first greeting with Japanese? And what to say at any occasion?
Let’s see the greeting way of Japan!!

“Ohayou – Gozaimasu” (Good morning – sir!)

If you meet someone Japanese in the morning time, please say “Ohayou” which is a general and convenience phrase for the morning greeting. If you would behave more politely, I recommend you to add a sentence of “Gozaimasu” after “Ohayou”. It’s perfect combination!

“Kon – nichiwa” (Hello!)

After the morning time, Japanese usually use the phrase of “Kon nichiwa” (Hello). It’s similar to “Hello”. I think it’s a relatively difficult to pronounce. I assume you easily say it as “Kon” & “Nichiwa” a little bit respectively, separately.
At night time, “Kon – Banwa” (Good night) is used but it’s not strange to keep using only “Kon Nichiwa” event night time. It is similar to the fact we can use “Hello” all the day in US.

No “How are you” ??

“How are you” is a magic and convenient phrase that everyone American uses every time.
My understanding is that, if I say “How are you?” to someone in US, someone has to reply to it. It’s kind “Catch ball phrase” we can keep going communication.
Actually, Japanese greeting is like “one time” communication. If you say “Ohayo”, someone say “Ohayo”. That’s all as the first conversation. You don’t need to keep saying something your status or feeling after “Ohayo”.
I think you may feel weird about the fact of this cultural difference. Japanese greeting is a very simple communication, but how you feel it?


Sometimes, someone recommend to use “Doumo” as a magic Japanese flexible greeting word.
I don’t deny to use it, however I feel like that “Doumo” should be used between well-known people, I think you don’t use it when you see someone Japanese at first time.
It may be similar to “Sup!”, so light phrase.

Ok, so how can I greet at First contact!!

All right. If you are Chris, say like this at first contact, situation by situation.

In the morning — “Ohayou – Gozaimasu. I’m Chris”
Day time — “Kon Nichiwa. I’m Chris”
Night time — “Kon Banwa (or Kon Nichiwa). I’m Chris”
All time polite way — “Hajime Mashite. I’m Chris”


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